Saturday, March 10, 2012

Just across the Border

Typical house front in Sopron, Hungary

Poor one-eyed kitty

Little rascal Pascal

Saint George church

Colorful facade

Static moment

So many words to say "No parking"?!

Last weekend we took a trip to Sopron, which is a little Hungarian town near the Austrian border less than an hour away by car. The little streets and even the main plaza with the fire watch tower and goat church were deserted on this Sunday morning. Over all, the town had a flair that reminded me a bit of Italy, however a somewhat run-down version of it. One acquaintance we made in the main square was a one-eyed cat. I was wondering what had happened to her. Despite her injury she was very sweet and trusting. While the rest of the family petted the cat for quite a long time, I took a short walk and discovered a few sights of surprising charm. Sopron will be worth another visit in the summertime!

Saturday, March 3, 2012


Kreuzende Pfade, Bükfürdö Hungary

Entenschwarm, Bükfürdö Hungary

Frühlingsboten vom Naschmarkt

Frühlingsboten vom Donau-Au Park

Und dräut der Winter noch so sehr,
Mit trotzigen Gebärden,
Und streut er Eis und Schnee umher,
Es muss DOCH Frühling werden.

Und drängen Nebel noch so dicht
Sich vor den Blick der Sonne,
Sie wecket doch mit ihrem Licht
Einmal die Welt zur Wonne.


Drum still! Und wie es frieren mag,
O Herz, gib Dich zufrieden.
Es ist ein großer Maientag
Der ganzen Welt beschieden.

Und wenn Dir oft auch bangt und graut
Als sei die Höll' auf Erden,
Nur unverzagt auf Gott vertraut!
Es muss DOCH Frühling werden.

-Emanuel Geibel