Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Sweetest Gift Ever

Last month, the girls surprised me with a very unique present for my birthday. Tessa and Anika had both put their talents together and created a masterpiece - at least in my chocolate-crazy eyes. Tessa designed a huge cardboard-Wonka chocolate bar and a colorful poster where she “immortalized” a story that Anika had thought of. The story was built around chocolate bar brand names and even made sense -to me. Here it is: 
Dear Mama,
I bet you are wondering how we got this BOUNTY of chocolate. It is so special that we had to fly to Willy Wonka’s secret factory on MARS. On our trip we went to a new planet called DUPLO (Scientist have not discovered it yet.) I bet you can’t guess who we met there ?!! LEOnardo da Vinci!! He is not dead!!! He lives in space with his cute little KITKAT named TWIX. The problem is da Vinci has terrible MANNERs. (He’s NUTS!!).
We also got to see the MILKY WAY. It’s a very popular tourist attraction; they even sell milkshakes and cow souvenirs, but we thought it was CORNY. The best part of our journey was getting to see the Wonka factory. We’ll bring you along next time!
Happy Birthday! We love you to the moon and back, literally, we saw that, too!
Thank you, family, for making my birthday so special!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Dean!!
    Three cheers and a tiger!!

